Advantages of Turkey Meat


Turkey meat is full of complete protein, as it provides valuable vitamins: A, B1, B2, B12, PP as well as mineral micronutrients, including: zinc, magnesium and potassium.

Turkey meat also contains relatively high amounts of other mineral elements, such as: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc:

  • Phosphorus (together with calcium) keeps your bones tough. It is also present when energy is used to contract and relax muscles.
  • Potassium has an important role in regulating the osmotic pressure, it removes excess water and sodium from the body and plays the key role in nerve conductivity.
  • Lack of potassium may lead to problems with the heart and circulatory problems, increased irritability as well as problems with learning and concentration.
  • Iron is one of the necessary minerals to transport oxygen through your body.
  • Zinc protects us against infections such as: the flu, mycosis, or conjunctivitis. It lessens the symptoms of cold, cough, and sore throat.


There are important differences between the chemical composition of different parts of a turkey carcass. The largest amount of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is found in the breast, and the largest amount of iron and zinc is present in the legs and the wings.

Turkey meat is rich in B vitamins, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine, needed by the nervous system to grow and function properly and needed to maintain the overall good physical condition. It is also an important source of the B12 vitamin, which is needed to create new red cells.



Turkey meat is characterized by extremely low fat content - even below 2%.

Turkey meat is considered very lean, i.e. it contains less fat than other types of meat. Of course, different elements of a turkey carcass have differing amounts of fat and cholesterol. We remember, that the largest amount of fat and cholesterol is just below the skin.

Therefore, all people who care for their waistlines or those with problems with their blood vessels, or those with too high cholesterol levels, should avoid the crisp turkey skin, which is, on one hand, delicious but, on the other hand, very high in calories. Such people can freely eat the breast meat which, with proper preparation, can also taste great and contains only 0.7 g of fat per 100 g (while the skin is 42.4 g of fat / 100g).

Additionally, the fat present in the turkey meat is much more rich than pork fat or beef fat. Turkey fat is a great source of unsaturated fatty acids (mostly from the Omega 6 family) and monosaturated fatty acids. Why is that so important? From a nutritional point of view, the most important thing about fat is the fatty acids it contains. We can divide fatty acids into three groups: the saturated fatty acids, the monosaturated fatty acids and, last but not least, the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The saturated fatty acids are virtually nothing else but an energy source - they have no other nutritional role. They should be avoided as they increase the levels of the harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood. The monosaturated fatty acids help to keep our heart healthy, they decrease the LDL levels and increase the levels of the healthy HDL cholesterol. The polyunsaturated fatty acids are one of the building block of cell membranes Thanks to them, the cell membranes are flexible and the cells accept nutrients easily. If we check the percentages of different fat types in animal fats, we will discover that poultry fat is the most advantageous one. It contains nearly 50% of monosaturated fatty acids and only about 30% saturated fatty acids, when pig or beef fat contain less monounsaturated fatty acids (about 45%) and over 45% of saturated fatty acids. As you can see, people who care for their health should include turkey in their everyday menu.


The dietitians recommend turkey meat to all who wish to eat healthily, suffer from allergies, want to manage their weight, athletes or kids.

Turkey meat is held in such high esteem not only because it is tasty but, first and foremost, because it is exceptionally advantageous for our bodies.

It is advocated in different diets: for the sick, the elderly, children, pregnant women as well as all kinds of weight-loss diets.

Why is that?    because the protein present in the poultry meat is complete. What does that mean? Imagine that protein is a wall made of bricks. These bricks are amino acids and in total there are 18 types. Protein builds the tissues, cells, enzymes, hormones that our bodies need for proper functioning. What will happen if we lack some of the amino acids, necessary to maintain our bodies? The whole wall will start to crumble. Thankfully, our bodies can create some of the amino acids but the remaining ones (i.e. essential amino acids) must be provided with food. The best way to do so would be through foods that contain high levels of protein with all essential amino acids. In this respect, the animal-based protein is much richer than plant-based protein. Protein present in the turkey meat has higher nutritional value than protein of other slaughter animals, as it contains less collagen than pork or beef. Collagen is a protein that is widely used in cosmetics but its nutritional value is low. What is more, thermal processing of turkey meat (cooking, baking, frying) does not decrease the nutritional value of the protein it contains. When we eat turkey meat we can be sure that we provide our bodies with protein of the highest quality.


Turkey meat is very diversified: delicate, white breast meat and dark leg meat with a more distinctive taste.

The white breast meat, which is low on fat, is a great companion to delicate, spicy and sweet flavors.

The dark leg meat has stronger taste and is less soft than the breast meat. It is great for baking or braising. Experts compare turkey leg meat to delicate veal.

Turkey drumsticks are quite a sight on the plate, recommended to those who find chicken legs to small.

Turkey wings are a perfect meat base for soups. With little fat, they give soups a delicate meaty taste that does not overwhelm other taste notes, e.g. vegetables.



Delicious in all possible forms: stewed, cooked, baked, fried, grilled, served hot, cold, spicy or sweet.

Turkey is praised by many chefs, as it can be served in many different ways.

The number of dishes you can prepare from turkey is really exceptional. Turkey meat can be served fried, baked or cooked. The most exquisite dishes use turkey breast meat. Cut into thin slices, seasoned with garlic, lemon juice and salt and fried on butter, it is considered one of the ten best dishes in the world.

We encourage you to use our extensive recipe list that contains numerous dishes based on turkey meat and turkey meat products. A functional cookbook makes it easy to find a dish appropriate for both a lavish dinner and a quick dish for the whole family.